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2018 – A Year in Review and 2019 Forecast From Saskarc’s General Manager, Roy Drever

Working with Saskarc

As we reach the end of 2018 and look towards 2019, we wanted to reflect on another year of success here at Saskarc.

The challenges we’ve faced in 2018 such as low commodity prices, tariffs and increasing material prices have given us many opportunities for growth.

From these challenges have risen many of our 2018 accomplishments such as shipping two of the largest pipe modules ever to ship across land within Western Canada, at 33’ wide, 116’ long, 26’ tall and weighing in at 145 Tons each.

Additionally, during 2018, we sharpened our focus on adding value through early contractor involvement, modularization, and providing quality, on time fabrication, focusing on our strength as a value-based rather than a low-cost provider.

To strengthen our team, we added many new highly-experienced team members, making our staff total 100, the largest we’ve seen since the end of 2015.

Currently, our fabrication team is working on executing a 4,000 Ton plate project for a potash mine, which ranks among our largest tonnage projects.

In the new year, we look forward to increasing our capacity, growing our product and service offering, and expanding our geographical footprint.

Although many describe the current outlook in the industry as “cautiously optimistic,” we view this as “very optimistic” as we continue to secure projects and hire more staff in our continued effort to add value to everything we do by creating better solutions. Saskarc will continue to minimize risks and reduce total installed cost of large-scale projects in 2019 and beyond.

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Roy Drever,
General Manager