function convert_single_image_to_webp($image_path) {
// Check if the file exists
if (!file_exists($image_path)) {
return "File does not exist: $image_path";
// Get the file extension and MIME type
$file_info = getimagesize($image_path);
if (!$file_info) {
return "Invalid image file.";
$mime_type = $file_info['mime'];
// Allowed MIME types for conversion
$allowed_mime_types = ['image/jpeg', 'image/png'];
if (!in_array($mime_type, $allowed_mime_types)) {
return "Unsupported file type. Only JPEG and PNG are allowed.";
// Load the image based on its MIME type
$image = null;
if ($mime_type === 'image/jpeg') {
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($image_path);
} elseif ($mime_type === 'image/png') {
$image = imagecreatefrompng($image_path);
if (!$image) {
return "Failed to create an image resource.";
// Create the WebP file path
$webp_path = $image_path . '.webp';
// Convert to WebP and save the file
if (imagewebp($image, $webp_path)) {
imagedestroy($image); // Free memory
return "Conversion successful. WebP file created at: $webp_path";
} else {
imagedestroy($image); // Free memory
return "Failed to convert the image to WebP.";
// Example Usage: Replace with the actual file path to test
$image_path = ''; // Replace with your test image path
$result = convert_single_image_to_webp($image_path);
echo $result;
Lorne Loughran of Saskarc presents Felicia Fillion – President of the Auxiliary, and representative Gail Shaw with a donation of $1000 for Oxbow Auxiliary Health Care.
Saskarc donated $1000 last month to support Oxbow Auxiliary Health Care. The donation will fund a new recreational pad that the centre has planned for the benefit of Oxbow and area residents.
The recreational pad will be located on the north-west corner of the Sun Country Health Center. Saskarc believes in supporting community initiatives that align with their own core values, working together to build a stronger, healthier and safer community.