Fluor Pumpboxes


Fort McMurray, AB


Custom Fabrication


$2-4.9 M


420 Tons

Custom Fabrication Project for Mosaic

Supply (4) Slurry Pump Boxes for Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Limited (IORVL) for Northern Alberta, near Fort McMurray. The scope included design, shop detail, supply, fabrication and assembly of all structural and plate steel, supply and installation of all Chromium Carbide Overlay and AR 400 wear plate and blasting and painting of the exterior. Each Pump Box was 37’-2” long x 24’-6” wide x 18’-10” high and weighed approximately 240,000 lbs for a total weight of about 960,000 lbs.

During the project execution, Saskarc’s scope was expanded to include the design, supply and installation of an operational lubrication system for the project.

Saskarc’s scope included:

  • Shop detailing
  • Lifting design
  • Material supply, including liner plates, fabrication, and full test-fit of each assembly to each other to ensure that there were no fit-up issues on-site
  • Blasting and painting
  • Design, supply and install of lubrication system
  • Mechanical functional test
  • Delivery to site.
  • The project was a design/build so Saskarc’s Project Management Team worked closely with our Engineers to ensure the design met all the project requirements while being fabrication, construction and budget friendly.
  • The shell plates were up to 1-1/4” thick and had ½” on ½” thick chromium carbide overlay (CCO) plate over the majority of the inside surface area, with the remainder of the inside surface area covered with AR 400 wear plate. The liner plates had to be plug welded to the shell, requiring a three layer welding process, inclusive of capping with hard surfacing weld. Welding Data Sheets and procedures were developed for the plug welds for all-position welding, with the overhead corner welds of the liner plates presenting further challenges.
  • A heavy lift hydraulic Jack & Roll system was designed and built to move the Pump Boxes in and out of the fabrication shop, the paint shop and around Saskarc’s yard.

Through regular communication and Saskarc’s ‘one point of contact’ professional project management services, the project was successfully completed on schedule with the Saskarc quality, documentation and reporting our clients have come to rely on